Liver cirrhosis – Causes and Symptoms 

What is liver cirrhosis? The liver is about the size of a regular football and it performs important functions in the body such as filtering toxins from the body, making enzymes that help in digesting food and helping you fight…

How to prevent hepatitis B

Hepatitis is the condition that causes the liver to inflame. If a vital organ such as the liver is damaged, its essential functions such as processing nutrients, filtering blood, and fighting infections get disrupted. What is Hepatitis B? Hepatitis B…

Foods to Eat & Avoid for a Healthy Liver

The liver is the largest organ of the human body, performing essential everyday functions. It is responsible for producing necessary enzymes, removing toxins from the blood, breaking down waste, regulating protein production, storing iron, and managing the immune system to…

Wilson’s Disease And How It Affects the Liver

What is Wilson’s disease? Wilson’s disease is a rare genetic disorder that affects one in every thirty thousand people. A healthy liver flushes out copper through urine. For people who suffer from Wilson’s disease, the extra copper gets collected in…

How Does Hemochromatosis Affect the Liver?

Iron is an essential nutrient found in many foods. Healthy people usually absorb about 10% of the iron contained in the food they eat to meet the body’s needs. Hemochromatosis is a genetic disorder where too much iron builds up…

Everything You Need to Know About NASH

Did you know that you can get a liver disease even if you have never consumed alcohol? Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is when excess fat builds up in the liver. The accumulation of fat on the liver is not…

Life of a Donor After a Liver Transplant 

The concept of donating an organ is still foreign to many in India because of the lack of awareness amongst the masses. Many are not even aware that they can donate a portion of their liver. Therefore, when asked to…

Fatty Liver Disease

Considering the number of functions the liver performs, which is greater than 500, It would not be wrong to say that our survival revolves around the healthy functioning of the liver! Unlike the heart and other major organs, the liver…

13 Ways to a Healthy Liver

Detecting any liver disease poses a challenge as most liver diseases do not show obvious symptoms until the condition has caused severe damage to the liver. Therefore, it is advisable to always take precautions to keep your liver healthy rather…