How Does Stress Affect Your Liver Health?

In today’s day and age, stress is something that’s associated with most of the individuals around the world. It’s an unhealthy state of the body that leads to several health problems, which range from physical to mental and more issues. Stress is very common in human beings and the entirety of mankind exists with at least minimal levels of stress. Much like too much of anything is harmful, the same can be said about stress. Right from heart to gut to liver health, stress affects each of these organs in different ways and types.

Stress develops as a result of hormonal changes in the body. When several chemicals mix, the levels of stress shoot up imminently. This directly affects the performance of blood flow, and gut health and even hampers the liver at a sedate pace.

The good news is: that our body releases several chemicals like adrenaline and norepinephrine that respond to stress to a good level. However, this is not sufficient for the entire body to sustain the problem nor does the liver completely get shielded with prolonged stress problems.

How does stress take a toll on liver health?

Liver health is fundamental to lead a healthy life. However, stress is unfortunately existent in people of all age groups. Eventually, prolonged exposure to stress kills the liver’s natural recovery ability. Although the process is not overnight, continuous exposure and stress damage most of the liver’s ability to function and slow down the necessary blood flow. In due course, this leads to several liver-related ailments and problems.

Furthermore, stress hormones like Cortisol are responsible for inflammation of liver tissues. This slows down the filtration of the liver to remove toxins and instead, allows toxins to slowly accumulate and damage health.

How to know if you are affected with severe stress?

Stress can be evident in so many ways in our bodies. The symptoms are not unique and differ from one person to another. Based on any of these changes like loss of appetite, sleep, or falling ill frequently, this is the best time to consult your doctors and inform them about the health problems, since this adversely affects liver health.

Before we could get about the types, stress is predominantly categorized into two different forms. The first one is mental stress and the other one is physical stress. Both are harmful in their ways and are a gateway to open up more health problems. Let us check these one by one:

Mental Stress:

  • Falling short of breath
  • Feeling tired regularly
  • Feeling depressed and experiencing low self-esteem
  • Anger issues and frustration

Physical impact:

  • Headaches
  • Gut health problems like frequent stomach aches, diarrhea, and nausea
  • Sleeplessness
  • Heartbeat increase
  • Falling ill regularly
  • Anxiety and nervousness
  • Losing interest in sexual activities

Easy ways to self-manage stress

Stress management is relatively easier if you manage to identify the symptoms of stress as early as possible. Here are some ways to manage stress:

  • Drinking ample amounts of water
  • Having a nutritious diet regiment
  • Reducing excess caffeine consumption and having healthier alternatives like Green Tea etc.
  • Work out regime
  • Meditation

Final Thoughts

Liver Health protection is something that needs more awareness among people. If you cannot identify any stress symptoms but are falling sick continuously, we recommend visiting CLF and consulting for a comprehensive screening. The experienced doctors know what to do and would advise according to your lifestyle with an assurance of making you fit once again.

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