Understanding the Stages of Liver Cirrhosis and Treatment Options

Liver Cirrhosis is a critical late-stage liver disorder that develops over a while and leads to a life-threatening complication. The generic causes of liver cirrhosis include consumption of alcohol, and symptoms of fatty liver also contribute. Depending on the level of severity, a liver cirrhosis treatment could also require liver transplantation.

4 Stages of Liver Cirrhosis

There are four stages of liver cirrhosis, and each of these develops from time to time when the liver cells get replaced with dangerous scar tissue. The growth of such tissues takes a while and even years to fully develop. In this while, here are 4 stages of cirrhosis:

  • Stage I – Steatosis: Steatosis is the stage that’s defined as the general inflammation of the liver. The inflammation takes time to develop and during this time, the patient frequently experiences pain and discomfort in the abdominal region. The good thing is, these inflammation and discomfort are curable with early detection and proper medication. 
  • Stage II – Fibrosis: This is the time when people mostly realize they are affected by the symptoms of liver cirrhosis. The damage in comparison to the previous stage is a lot more evident and this includes hindering the flow of blood to the liver. Scarring over time leads to liver malfunction and slow progression of critical liver disease. Thus, people during this time need to figure out ways to treat any such problems before it’s too late.
  • Stage III – Cirrhosis: Perhaps one of the stages which is a consequence of a prolonged development of liver disease. The problem arises with the lack of proper therapy in which the scar tissues are replaced with good tissues of the liver. In this stage, the liver becomes incredibly hard and lumpy, which would deter basic liver functioning and stop the flow of blood through the organ. Additionally, liver cirrhosis creates further problems when it diverts the blood to the spleen and this complicates more with the liver.
  • Stage IV – Liver Failure: The most fatal phase of liver damage is liver failure. This could virtually mean the end of the road and the only meager way to survive is by liver transplantation. With liver failure, the organ loses its ability to self-repair and the damage is beyond recovery. Initial symptoms like sudden loss of weight, nausea, and diarrhea could mean liver failure. CLF, one of the liver transplants in Chennai hospitals, recommends conducting frequent blood tests and getting diagnosed with such symptoms, and administering appropriate treatments.

Can Liver Cirrhosis be cured?

Liver cirrhosis is a stage-by-stage liver disease that grows when the liver faces internal damage and scarring due to different consequences. The treatment of liver cirrhosis is possible up to the second stage with regular monitoring and medications from the doctors. Anything beyond the stage piles up more problems. In these cases, a liver transplant might be the only option left, and this involves serious operations and expensive treatment.

However, with Chenna Liver Foundation, a liver transplant cost in Chennai is affordable. The expert facilities and doctors are trained to treat all four stages of liver cirrhosis and ensure the patient walks on their own two feet with the symptoms cured.

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