World Hepatitis Day: The Inspirational Campaign ‘I Can’t Wait

‘I can’t wait is the new campaign theme to launch World Hepatitis Day 2022. It will highlight the need to accelerate the fight against viral hepatitis and the importance of testing and treatment for the real people who need it. The campaign will amplify the voices of people affected by viral hepatitis calling for immediate action and the end of stigma and discrimination.


I Can’t-Wait is an inspirational campaign started by World Hepatitis Day to encourage people affected by hepatitis to take action and demand treatment. The campaign provides a platform for people to share their stories and call for change.

World Hepatitis Day is celebrated on July 28th each year, and the I Can’t Wait campaign was launched on this date in 2015. The campaign was created in response to the global Liver Disease Burden Report, which found that hepatitis was responsible for 1.34 million deaths in 2013 – more than HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis or malaria.

I Can’t Wait brings together people from all over the world who are affected by hepatitis, and raises awareness of the disease. The campaign encourages people to demand treatment and fight for their rights. It also provides a forum for people to share their experiences and connect with others who are going through similar situations.

You can join the I Can’t Wait campaign by sharing your story on the website or social media using the hashtag #icantwait. You can also find out more about the campaign and how you can get involved at

Significance of WHD

Hepatitis is a liver disease that can be caused by a number of different viruses. World Hepatitis Day (WHD) is an annual event that brings attention to the global burden of viral hepatitis and highlights the need for action to prevent, test for, and treat the disease.

Each year, WHD has a different theme, and this year’s theme is “I Can’t Wait”. The campaign seeks to inspire action on viral hepatitis and calls on governments, civil society, and the private sector to do more to address the disease.

WHD was first observed in 2008, and since then it has grown into a global movement with events being held in over 100 countries. In 2015, the World Health Assembly adopted a resolutioncalling for the elimination of viral hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030. This goal is ambitious but achievable if we all work together to raise awareness, promote testing and treatment, and break down barriers to care.

You can find out more about World Hepatitis Day and the “I Can’t Wait” campaign on the World Hepatitis Alliance website.

Theme for WHD

The World Hepatitis Day (WHD) campaign this year is “I Can’t Wait”. The objective of the campaign is to raise awareness about hepatitis and encourage people to get tested and treated. The campaign was inspired by real-life stories of people living with viral hepatitis.

“I Can’t Wait” emphasizes the urgency of addressing hepatitis. Many people do not know they have the disease because it often has no symptoms. If left untreated, hepatitis can lead to serious liver damage, cancer, and death.

The WHD campaign website includes resources and materials to help raise awareness about viral hepatitis. There are also inspiring stories from people living with the disease. By sharing their stories, they hope to inspire others to get tested and treated.

The Day Itself

Today is World Hepatitis Day, and the inspirationalcampaign “I Can’t Wait” is in full swing. The campaignwas launched by the World Hepatitis Alliance to increaseawareness of hepatitis and to call for greater actionto eradicate the disease.

The campaign has been hugely successful so far, withthousands of people joining in and showing theirsupport. The Day itself is a great opportunity to raiseawareness of hepatitis and to show support for thosewho are affected by the disease.

There are many ways to get involved in the campaign,and you can find out more on the World HepatitisAlliance website. Show your support today and helpmake a difference!

Tips for Those Living with Hepatitis

1. Don’t give up – despite the challenges, it is possible to live a full and healthy life with hepatitis. There are many resources and support groups available to help you manage the condition.

2. Stay informed – knowledge is power when it comes to managing any chronic condition. Keep up to date with the latest information on hepatitis treatments, management and research.

3. Be proactive – take charge of your health by working closely with your healthcare team, adhering to your treatment plan and making healthy lifestyle choices.

4. Seek support – living with any chronic condition can be difficult. Connect with others who understand what you’re going through and can offer support and advice.

5. Give back – once you have learned to manage your hepatitis, you can help others by sharing your story and raising awareness about the condition.


Every year, World Hepatitis Day provides an opportunity to raise awareness about hepatitis and its impact on the lives of people all over the world. The ‘I Can’t Wait’ campaign is just one example of the inspiring work that is being done to improve the lives of those affected by this disease. We hope that through campaigns like this one, more people will be inspired to get tested and treated for hepatitis, so that we can eventually put an end to this epidemic.

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